And Hear thear are, some of my double french coins, most of them i picked up when i visited Paris and Wall Disney when i was eight years old, i´m interested in have more coins from french, for example 10 Francs of Victor Hugo, 20 Francs of Mediterraneam Games or 100 Francs Zola, but the french coin, that i´m more interested, it is easy of have it, if you have it double, please tell me, it is 10 Francs of Roland Garros, i love sports, and specially Tennis, Rolang Garros it´s for me the best Gran Slam and we have Rafa Nadal winning every year, so if any french or someone who visited my blog have it, please tell me, i can change it for other coins, or buy it
France km926a.1 5 Francs (1970-1997)
France km942.1 2 Francs (1979-1998)
France km931.1 1/2 Franc (1965-1997)